SKEET SHOOTING. Skeet will continue throughout the summer. Saturday, 10:00,
Contact Tim Kenney for more indormation any questions 455-2859.
YARD SHOOTING HUT. Hopefully by mid summer the renovation of the hut
that will available for long range shooting will be completed. Carston Akins is the
project leader. Please contact him if you have time to help with construction.
PINE MARTEN LADIES. The winter program of shooting every Friday afternoon
will be discontinued for the summer. In its place, we hope to hold a gathering
once a month, outside, to shoot at various targets with rifles and hand guns. If
the wind cooperates, we could have a wonderful time and we hope to engage as
many women as possible. Call Laney Hicks if you are interested. 486-2200
COWBOY SHOOTING. Donn Loseke is hoping to schedule a few sessions for the
summer. As yet there are no set dates, so watch the Dubois Frontier for
LEAD FREE INITIATIVE. Bryan Bedrosian, Conservation Director for the Teton
Raptor Center in Jackson Hole is working on creating a state-wide hunter/angler
initiative called Sporting Lead-Free. His goal is to create a community of sports
people willing to voluntarily use lead-free options in the field, increase awareness
of issues with using lead, and to increase availability of lead-free options across
the state. Check out his website: